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Hendrik R Tillman

EECS 2020
Professional Hooligan
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Hailing from Sausalito, CA, Henk has always been dedicated to his education. He started programming in sixth grade, and has been working CS internships since 2012 at companies like and Ripple Labs. In his free time, Henk likes to push away his cat Trixie and pull in his dog Ava for snuggles as he watches Rick and Morty and collects memes.


On this project, Henk implemented all of the image processing software using Python’s OpenCV library. He manipulated the input image to isolate the drawing (using Canny edge detection for identifying the paper border), eliminate noise by thresholding pixels. He also wrote the code to chunkify the line drawing into a binary matrix, find the coordinate paths in the binary matrix which define the line drawing, and perform homography to map the matrix coordinates to real-world coordinates in the space around Sawyer’s body frame. Finally, he wrote and tested the path execution process, implemented using ROS and the MoveIt inverse kinematics package.

J Stella Seo

BioE 2020
Robot Whisperer
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​Stella has been participating in robotics competitions since she was six years old. Over the course of eight years and twelve seasons, she and her family created a robotics subculture in their hometown of Fremont, CA. In 2013, she founded a 501(c) nonprofit organization, STREAM Education Foundation, to share her love of science, technology, robotics engineering, arts, and mathematics to underserved communities in the Bay Area. When she has free time, she enjoys storming Henk’s house to cuddle with his pets, as well as infiltrating Alvin’s home to eat all of his Oreos.


At the insistence of the EECS boys’ “It’s a hardware issue,” Stella was responsible for the mechanical design of the pen-holder. She also helped think of solutions to the two-edge problem and contributed to the final greedy algorithm. Stella also took charge of presentation and the website. Also cookies. She made lots of cookies for both sad and happy times.

Alvin Y Zhang

EECS 2020
Oreo Connoisseur 
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Alvin managed to escape North Carolina following 18 years of exile, but he’s happy to be here now! Alvin’s primary interest is machine learning, since it’s proven to be an unreasonably versatile at cracking traditionally difficult problems by effectively leveraging big data and computational resources. Being a very lazy person, he’d like to contribute to progress in automation, especially as it relates to folding laundry and driving cars (which he can’t do). Currently, he’s particularly interested in computer vision and reinforcement learning, and is working on projects and taking classes to support this goal.


Alvin wrote the paper calibration script, led experimentation with Canny edge detector on art and real-world images, and contributed to the path planning algorithm.

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